ChaLEAN Extreme Days 3 and 4

Posted on November 17, 2009


Day 3 was assigned as a rest day but I still got in a workout . . . actually 2! I started the morning with a 45 min Tae Bo video and ended the day with a 90 min Tae Bo (Ulimate). The latter is my favourite of the Tae Bo videos thus far. It was a solid workout and it left me spent. I barely had the energy to get into bed!
I was over on calories by 200 yesterday. I left too many calories for the end day, got too hungry and let the hunger monster win. Today, I made sure to eat a good size breakfast, snack, lunch and snack. My dinner was sensible and I am within my calorie range! Small changes each day will lead to success.
This morning marked Day 4 and it was a great cardio workout. I really pushed beyond my comfort zone and I left for work feeling accomplished. I am going to push play for the Ab Burner workout.
Looking forward to Day 5. . .
Bring it!!
– k
(originally written and posted on Sparkpeople 11/12/09)
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